Sushi DNA Tests Reveal Fraud | Wired Science |
“The team of researchers from Columbia University and the American Museum of Natural History ordered tuna from 31 sushi restaurants and then used genetic tests to determine the species of fishes in those dishes. More than half of those eateries misrepresented, or couldn’t clarify the type of fish they were mongering. Several were selling endangered southern bluefin tuna.”
(Via )Top 9 Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt Parodies – Urlesque
Remember the Three Wolf Moon Shirt? With almost 1,600 hilarious customer “reviews” already, you just knew that people would be cashing in with the inevitable parodies of the self-parodying shirt — and Urlesque provides a run-down of some of the better ones.
(Via )Whisky on (Antarctic) ice | GlobalPost
Along the coast of Antarctica, two cases of Scotch whisky were left behind 100 years ago by Sir Ernest Shackleton after a failed attempt at the South Pole. Now, a New Zealand team is en route to recover a few bottles for, um, scientific purposes….
(Via )Warner Bros. will upgrade your DVDs to Blu-ray (for a fee) | DVD | Newswire | The A.V. Club
Exchange some Warner Bros. DVDs for Blu-Ray Discs (and a little money)
(Via )Its GDP Is Depressed, but Argentina Leads World in Shrinks Per Capita –
I wonder why the author of this article felt the need to write this piece…. We’ll pick up on that during our next session.
(Via )Dick Cavett on Fame
“What are some of the bad things about being famous?” Buck asked.
Having become “famed” myself relatively recently, via the (then) small screen, I felt qualified to list a few negatives with sincerity.
“For one thing, you lose an awful lot of freedom.”
This gave Buck pause, and put him into a kind of reverie. We watched the waves roll in on the incoming tide to just short of where we sat as he thought a while.
“Like how?” he asked. “What freedom do you lose?”
“For one, the freedom to not be recognized everywhere,” I offered.
“That’s bad?”
The initial delight of being spotted lasts about a week and four days.
Ricky Jay | Film | Random Roles | The A.V. Club
RJ: “Showtime, circus time, see the magician that lights up the girl with the yellow elastic tissue, the Electrode Lady. Yes, the Electrode Lady, at the age of 7, she and her sister were struck by lightning. Her sister died, but she lived to tell the tale. 20,000 volts of electricity for the young girl’s body. The doctors said she lived because she was immune to the shock of electricity.” I could go on.
(Via )Parents Are Borrowing From Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer –
(Via )
Tag Archives: Ricky Jay
The New Yorker Festival 2009
This year, like previous years, offers more great stuff than you could ever see in one weekend.
I was lucky enough to catch a couple of events at this year’s THE NEW YORKER Festival, including a very interesting interview with Rachel Maddow of The Rachel Maddow Show and a presentation by Simon Schama that was ostensibly about Barack Obama and “Words-as-Actions”, but was really a virtuoso demonstration of Schama’s eclecticism and his force of spirit.
Sadly, I wasn’t able to see some of the other events — Ricky Jay, for example, is someone who’s wide-ranging work I’ve enjoyed for years. You know that the organizers of a festival did a good job when you find yourself getting angry at them for giving you more incredible events to see than time to see them.
Hey Guys — Festival WEEK next year? 😀