Cosplayers, manga fans and cherry blossoms at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn is like no other…
(Via Boing Boing )The Novelist as Used Car Salesman
Ed says: “There is a type of novelist who saddens me: the kind of novelist who prefers the status of having written instead of the consistent joys of writing, the type of author who only communicates to people if he wants something instead of being curious in other viewpoints. This novelist’s primary subject of interest is likely to be himself, but he’s capable of cloaking this solipsism by suggesting to others that they are just as much a part of his process. The novelist, in cues straight out of the Dale Carnegie playbook, will remember one specific detail about the other person that nobody else has and thereby create a greater impression.”
(Via Edward Champion’s Return of the Reluctant )11 Rock Reunion Dos and Don’ts – Page 1 – The Daily Beast
Creed just joined the long list of bands to give music a second chance after calling it quits. Dear God — NO!
(Via )Genius: The Modern View
David Brooks in the New York TImes: What Mozart had, we now believe, was the same thing Tiger Woods had — the ability to focus for long periods of time and a father intent on improving his skills. Mozart played a lot of piano at a very young age, so he got his 10,000 hours of practice in early and then he built from there.
(Via 3quarksdaily )- Cliffs of Nintendover
Reader Clark sent me this link — What is it about 80’s guitar music that lends itself so perfectly to the 8-bit treatment?
(Via sliv.4× ) - Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock, presented by Orson Welles | Smashing Telly – A hand picked TV channel
A documentary version of Alvin Toffler’s classic 70s book, Future Shock presented by Orson Welles.
(Via ) Classic Serge Gainsbourg | oOoo Squeak E Clean Website oOoo
Classic Serge Gainsbourg
(Via )